Jacob Ashworth

Web/App tester /assistant

  • Profile Created:
  • 4 years ago

Candidate Description

I’m 16 years old, currently carrying out GCSEs this year but I am predicted A*s in Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Maths (relevant skills to my resume – I guess you’ll have to just take my word for them). I am able to test Websites and Apps for your company – this includes finding bugs and giving advice on improvements. I know basic coding so can try and help your company’s website designers with any bugs or errors. Hopefully the idea for this is that I can reduce the work required for your company to test their apps, websites or other content. From this I will be able to write a full report and review improvements and errors with your website/application. I have little experience building websites so this is not my area of expertise. 

Might I also add I am able to carry out basic DoS attacks to test the security of your website if requested, but cannot do this on a large scale – 65500 bytes normally, could probably push to 131000 bytes, I can then tell whether the refresh speed slows down when more bytes (visitors) ping the webpage

I am also available to work as an assistant for your company, referring emails and requests.

Thanks for any consideration.

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