Job Description
Small business is looking for a part-time virtual assistant to help with e-newsletter publications. This is a part time opportunity offering up to 34 hours per week and up to $17/hr
We send DAILY email newsletters and need an assistant to assemble the newsletters, update the content, research new content, and write short headlines and descriptions. Much of the content is fashion and home-trends related, with links to recent news items on designers and celebrities.
Newsletters should include US based TV and movie trends or “hot” news items, and links to a list of products (we will provide the lists for each newsletter).
Must be able to organize the publishing calendar, perform internet research, enter data accurately, and complete projects on time. Must be familiar with MS Excel, Google Docs, and the Google search browser (including current and trending news).
* You must have excellent written and spoken English. You must be dependable, and HIGHLY reliable. You must have access to a mobile phone and newer computer. You should enjoy fashion and home trends and online research, and be good at compiling the results in an organized and usable fashion in an Excel spreadsheet.
How To Apply
Click the Apply For Job button below to send your VOT resume and Virtual Assistant website to the hiring manager.
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